
Our Services



Identify your current belief systems about what you think about yourself and compare them to The Word of God, who God says you are. Learn how to rule your emotions and not be ruled by them


Identify Strengths and Strengthen weaknesses. Acquire and Grow confidence through truth and edification. GET your breakthrough and Improve skills to inspire and empower yourself.


Learn to be of courage. Be your authentic self. Live Free of Comparison, Competition and complaining while having confidence in the face of obstacles. Be Bold to fight the temptation to shrink back.


The Word of God says that we wrestle not against flesh and blood against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. If you have any relationship with any other human, there WILL be conflict. We must remember that it is not THEM that is the enemy rather yet, we have an enemy of our soul that uses those relationships and worldly expectations to cause stress, anxiety, comparisons, depressions and other challenging obstacles that affect our spiritual, mental, and emotional health. Sometimes we just need to RETREAT. Retreat means to withdraw from enemy forces as a result of their superior power or after a defeat…. We provide annual retreats for couples, wives, mothers, single women and girlfriends. The foundation of the retreats are for renewal and refreshing. We offer encouragement, course correction in love and provide positive Godly tools and wisdom for the purpose of becoming a woman with the heart of a Honeybee!


Do you desire to increase the quality of your life? Are you looking to be encouraged, grow closer to Christ, improve your prayer life, develop stronger relationships, make wiser choices, challenge and refresh your belief systems? The HoneyBee Heart podcast will provide biblically sound strategies, wisdom and Holy Spirit inspired insight so you can take authority, reclaim your peace, maintain your joy, make better choices and increase your love and accomplish your goals, too.

With episodes featuring insightful lessons from Talia, interviews with some successful, accomplished, fire starters in the Kingdom of God, you’ll find you can learn a great deal while listening during your morning or daily routine, commute or daily workout.